
2017-12-12 16:30:08作者:帅帅的藕霸

With winter closing in, chilling us to the bone and making some people seriously wonder why they thought moving to Stockholm for this job was a good idea, we could all use a treat. And what better treat than a third issue of our ace official magazine? None! None better!

冬天正在慢慢靠近,让我们感到冷彻骨髓,也使一些人开始想为什么他们以前认为来斯德歌尔摩做这份工作是个好想法,我们应该共同探讨这个问题。另外,有什么能比一流的第三期官 方Minecraft杂志更能解决问题?当然没有!没有更好的!

But we haven't just stamped the number three on the cover and called it a day. The excellent team behind this papery paradise have crafted this third issue into a seasonally-appropriate winter special!

然而,我们并没有在他的封面上放上数字“3”,并把“3”叫做“一天”。这个优秀的团队——“papery paradise”把第三期精心制作成了一本哦那估计特别版!

Frankly, I've no idea how they keep managing to cram so much Minecraft into a dead tree. This issue alone has a guide to fighting skeletons, magnificent medieval snow-themed village builds (and a more general guide to how villages work too), a MASSIVE feature on enchanting, letters, build-tips, challenges and much, much more. My poor exhausted fingers can barely describe it! No wonder they won't even let me have a go at writing the contents page.坦白地说,我完全不知道他们是如何把一大堆Minecraft的内容塞进一棵死树(那些纸)里的。这期杂志有如何和骷髅对战的指南,建造一个华丽的、中世纪冰雪风格的村庄(还有村庄机制是如何运作的),大量的有关附魔、字母(?)、建筑技巧、挑战,等等,等等。我那些可怜的手指几乎无法一一写出这些!难怪他们不让我去写内容页。

Issue Three should be on UK shelves by the time you've finished reading this sentence (unless it takes you months to finish reading this sentence, in which case the issue will likely be sold out by then, so HURRY UP). Other regions will be getting it very, very soon too.


Remember, if you’d like to see your work featured in the magazine, please send high-resolution images of your builds and skins to the magazine team viaminecraftmag@euk.egmont.com. They’ll feature your coolest stuff in the mag!


Plus! It contains another ace comic strip from Trudi Castle. Here's the sneakiest of sneak peeks:

另外!这本杂志还包含了另一个Trudi Castle的官 方漫画,这是告密者的特别消息:

Enjoy the issue!



原文地址:https://minecraft.net/zh-hans/ar ... agazine-issue-three

原作者:Tom Stone 2017-12-7

